BCYC Immersion Voice Track

Solo singer on stage

This track is available:

  • Session 3 (July 13-18, 2025)

Do you want to become a better musician? Use your gifts to give back to the Lord? Meet other talented singers? Join us for the weeklong BCYC Immersion Voice program for high school students to have an awesome week growing musically and spiritually as you explore traditions in Catholic praise.

The BCYC Immersion Voice track provides an opportunity for students to grow in fellowship and technical skill while combining musical talent with love for the Lord. This camp concludes with a public concert to showcase the talent of this group and their hard work during the week.

“I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also.” — St. Paul

Track Instructor

Lucas Tappan

Lucas Tappan
Director of Liturgy and Music

Dr. Lucas Tappan is the founder and president of the Catholic Academy of Sacred Music, founder and director of the Most Pure Heart of Mary Schola Cantorum and the Director of Liturgy and Music for Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Topeka, Kansas. Through the apostolate of the Academy he and his team work with around 200 students throughout the week during the school year, teaching sight-singing, ear-training, music theory and all the many wonderful aspects of Sacred Music in the Roman Catholic tradition.
He graduated from Benedictine in 2004 with degrees in Music and Theology. He earned his Master of Music in Church Music (organ performance) in 2009 and his Doctorate of Musical Arts in Church Music (choral conducting) from the same institution.
In 2012, he was privileged to spend six weeks observing the training of choristers at the Madeleine Choir School at the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City, Utah—an experience that has greatly shaped the way he trains choristers.
In January of 2016 the MPHM Schola Cantorum traveled to Rome to sing at St. Peter’s Basilica—joining the Sistine Chapel Choir—alongside several other children’s choirs from the Americas and Europe for the first Children’s Festival for Epiphany, sponsored by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra.
Dr. Tappan speaks and teaches nationally on the topic of children’s choirs and church music.